Our Lady & St. Brendan's Catholic Primary School

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Our Vision
To strive for excellence in the discovery of joy in learning.
With Christ at the centre, we will share our faith together and grow in love as we journey beyond the familiar and into the unknown. 
Our Mission
Following Jesus to discover joy, share faith and grow in love.
Our Aims
To grow closer to God through high quality Worship, Religious Education and our responsibilities in Catholic Social Teaching. 
To ensure pupils are nurtured to flourish and achieve their academic potential.
To work in partnership with families and the parish to create a welcoming learning community. 




Catholic Life and Mission impact all aspects of the school community positively. This commitment is evident in various initiatives and practices implemented throughout the school. Students understand, appreciate, and participate in the Catholic ethos of the school. They are reminded of their inherent value as unique individuals created in the image and likeness of God, and any struggles they face are met with nurturing care from all staff supported by Catholic Care.

Students are actively engaged in various aspects of Catholic life, from fundraising for charitable causes led by the Mini-Vinnie group; to promoting sustainability and recycling as Stewards of the Earth. The school's mission and vision are not just statements but living principles embraced by the entire community, shaping daily interactions and activities. Staff members play a crucial role in modeling Catholic values, fostering warm relationships with students, and providing pastoral care and support, ensuring that every child feels valued and supported in their personal development. Additionally, the school's commitment to inclusivity is evident in its welcoming approach to children of all faiths and backgrounds, promoting respect and full participation in religious activities for all students.

Our Mission Teams 

Please click on the link to find out more

Mini-Vinnies               Stewards of the Earth          Faith Leaders


Our Minni Vinnies lead the BIG LENTEN SPONSOR Walk . Raising much needed funds for CAFOD

Our Mini Vinnies put their concern into action when they delivered your kind donations of food to St. Patrick’s Mission. Thank you parents at OLSB for working hard to give food to the hungry in Holy Week

Our School is in the parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour and St Clare

Welcome - St Clare's Catholic Church (stclaresfagley.org.uk)

